March 5, 2015

Second Life's Radegast Viewer needs a developer - UPDATE

I guess I've been living in a pixel cave or something. I hadn't realized that Latif Kalifa, the developer of the excellent "lightweight metaverse client" Radegast was in failing health and had announced his retirement from further work on his open source projects. He will be missed since much of the libopenmetaverse library code that enables other non-Linden dependent viewers (like Metabolt) was his.

I use Radegast all the time when playing HUD games where I need to log in an alt or two OR when working in some resource heavy program like Photoshop. Radegast doesn't bring my computer to a crawl and it's light touch on graphics is hugely appreciated. It has a few issues but most of them can be worked-around.

Here's what appears to be Latif's final post:

Radegast is definitely worth saving. Hopefully someone will pick it up.

UPDATE: A number of people have responded to my blog post on Twitter including @vrhax who has now duplicated the current code repository, @SignpostMarv (love that handle) who was originally listed as a contributor on Radgeast but hasn't been on SL for awhile and @RobinCornelius, also listed as a contributor to Radegast. There is talk of a fork for Radegast to continue it. Yay!


  1. Radegast doesn't bring my computer to a crawl and it's light touch on graphics is hugely appreciated. It has a few issues but most of them can be worked-around.Javascript editable tale

  2. Is the latest 2.18 built from new coders by any chance? I can't see "what's new" anyhwere.


All thoughts are welcome.